Thursday, October 26, 2006

some small updates

1. I quit playing World of Warcraft temporarily and jumped to Warcraft III. Now I played 36 matches on on US East server, 18 wins and 18 losts. Gaming is not totally a waste of time, instead the competition in it can tune myself. Also when I lost a game I think why. Life is all about going forward or going back, which is the same as gaming. My goal is to reach level 30 on

2. Still looking for a job. Got one phone call altogether. :(

3. My research is going pretty well. The productivity now exceeded that of past four years.

4. I will go back to China at Jan. 18th 2007 for wedding.

ps. for those who are still using Internet Explorer 4 or 5 (most likely 6), you can go to Microsoft IE7 to upgrade your internet browser to the 7th version, which is more stable and malware free.

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