Wednesday, May 28, 2008

a come back in casino

so this long weekend we went to a casino resort in a small town 70 miles away. The last night, before we head back, I sticked my last five dollar bill into a slot machine, ding ding ding, w00t w00t, it becomes 203 dollars!! Then I felt my luck was turned and went back to the blackjack table and won back my 400 dollars. I go to casino only once per year.

When I walked out of the main gate, a blonde girl, sleeping by the water fountain, asked me if I saw a curly haired guy. I said no, are you waiting for him? Yes, I AM waiting for him, apparently a little angry. There were a lot of mosquitos by the fountain. If I was alone I would have offer a room for her. Even though I would be rejected but that would still be a nice try.

On the way back, I silently repented: When I was in school, I was a better person. I need to come back in my personality.

Monday, May 19, 2008

a little prayer

At Christmas 2002, I was in New York City, visiting my dad's friends. A little more than one year after 911, I arrived at the place, with my heart bleeding. The scene just makes you want to cry. There was a lot of flowers, and a huge flag reads in God we remember this day. I was in awe and prayed, even though I was not a christian.

For the earthquake in China, I only donated 100 dollars, yes maybe I should donate more with the income I make. But I don't want to feel like it overdone. I contributed and showed my love and sympathy, that's it. I don't want to make it sounds like a disaster for China, or for a specific group of people. But if you gonna pray for the asia part of Earth, today is the time.

LORD, please show mercy to us. Amen.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

scored 4.75

My employer gave me 4.75 out of 5 for the performance of the past half year! *^_^*

As you may know, China is going through a terrible time, tens of thousands people died during the earthquake at 5/12. When I saw the photos online, my heart was soaked in tears.. I am gonna donate a little money to them.

Monday, May 05, 2008


I am moving to a MUCH nicer apartment in one month.
"My apartment is killing me, literally. after my roof fell i mean."

Can't wait to go back to MN to see my advisor and my old friends.
"I am coming back to the hear~~~t of wor~~ship"