Monday, June 02, 2008

you can't beat free

So I have moved to a large apartment in Flowood, MS. It's further from my work place, but everything is ten times better. Hey I got free internet again, and at the moment when I discovered the free internet, my conscious told me tian you should not keep doing this crap, but then then my conscious was beaten so hard by my cheapness.. So here I am, typing again on my blog using again the free wifi in my bedroom. And I have made up my mind so that every criticize on my behavior will be countered by a warm "i love you".

I will be back to U of M from June 11th to 14th. I have a lot of swee~~~t memories in Minneapolis, 3 days is definitely not enough. I chose my hotel in Roseville, the place I spent 5 years. What I will do? I will persuade Yuejian to treat me, my soccer buddies to treat me, and of course go to the Rock and enjoy the free drink and cookies.

You can't beat free, don't even try.

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