Saturday, March 15, 2008

what does it even mean?

Lily is a graduate student at Jackson State University from Beijing. We are working on a same project, and the way we communicate is through Microsoft Messenger (a.k.a MSN). One day she asked

Lily:"Are you a christian?"

Me: "Yes."

Lily: "Yeah you look like a christian."

Look like a christian..hmm..After 5 years of believing, someone finally gives me credit. So thank you. But I didn't ask the question in my mind "but wait, what does it mean by saying "look like a christian?""

I don't know. I am not even confident of the fact that I "look like a christian". You don't know my struggles, but, hey, thanks for telling me that, that helps my spiritual growth a lot.

Last nite Lily, a non-beliver, invited me to a Bible-study. After the Bible-study, I was humbled. My heart is like a floating balloon, if it rises too high it explodes; on the contrary, if a balloon sinks in the water too low, it explodes as well. The Bible study calms me down. I have nothing to be proud of, however.

Lily and her roommate will only be in US for two years. They are in a government exchange program. If I was allowed to ask them to take back to China only one thing, I would say it is your belief in God. Three things on the top of the list being in US: christian, national parks and AMC theatres.

I will guide them through all these three, of course.

ps. The next post will be the 100th post of my blog. I didn't think I could make this far. This blog started at 2005, when I never thought I could keep it till 2008. I guess I am just a natural blogger.

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