Tuesday, December 04, 2007

second day, already tired

This monday I went to the court house and got a plate and tag for my car. An interesting thing is that they don't accept credit card/check, only upfront cash. After 5 days down here south, I notice that there is less trust between people here than Minnesota, for example, banks don't make money orders. The banker told me, "only after we get paid, you can take out cash." My landlord told me, 20 days after rent due, my belongings will be thrown to street. hey, in the cruel city here, I can survive, can you?

Then from 10 to 9 I stay in my building which is in the middle of nowhere. My boss was originally from Iran, my coworker is an Indian lady, I am Chinese, so we are a little asian team. Maybe I shouldn't emphasis race too much. After the 2nd day at work, I am tired, mostly because of the Mac machine I am using. It is a Mac using an Intel 64bit CPU, which most of the software don't support. For example, installing a data plotting software requires installing five other software first. While many people hate this, a lot of people just obsess with it. There are two kinds of people who loves using Mac: those who love tweaking and those who love paying for service. 

This blog is becoming wordy, mostly because I don't have a digital camera. I want a very good one like Yuejian's.

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